Friday, October 13, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

From Sheffield to a Chocolate Diver

Well the last few weeks have been hectic, a grand tour of the peak involving only 1 climb was had, Spent a lovely evening with Jude and Brian over in Sheff, heard a tale of famous climber who is now an extreme fisher! how things change. It was great to be back somewhere Id not been for a whole year, almost to the day. I miss the grit, the closeness of it all, familiar places. Its just not the same when you have to navigate, Maybe next time we can climb more. So whats new this week, well the decking is complete, its a load of my mind and now all I can think of is snow and ice, cant wait, anyone seen a promising forecast? Im all braced for news of the worst winter ever, its been on the cards for years now so must turn up one day.

I saw Andy Kirkpatrick talk last night, glad he slowed down his speech, like a little rabbit, rabbiting on. Great chap, you should see his pictures. The comment that stuck with me the most was when he showed a stunning pic of Patagonia, walking along a frozen lake, he said 'if you work hard at school, you wont ever go here' has a point, why do we work hard at school and uni to spend our days in windowless room, servents to Mastersoft Windooze, dreaming of being elsewhere, feeling captive, well were all here or there cos of our choices, getting out of this mess is my next big things, but it took many years to stick myself under a desk, cant imagine its any quicker to get out. Lets see what can be done, where can be seen and how much life can be lived.