Thursday, May 25, 2006

How? Why? or What?

Image taken of small flower, out of focus to blend the colours

Does it matter how or why a picture was taken? I think the end result can stand on its own, further thought into the context and method of its production can rob it of something, reduce it down to an array of pixels, rather than colours and lines making sense, stirring emotions, receptors, provoking thought and most of all inspiration.

I think we need to see images on 3 levels at least, uppermost must be what is presented and only that, secondly the concept and motive behind that image, the emotion, feeling and suggestiveness put into it, thirdly the equipment, location, processing can be thought of, but does this matter? if only to inform on how to replicate? to copy?

Do we look at Monet and discuss his brush work, his method of construction before we mavel at the colour, form and exuberance of the picture?

Image of some random flowers, simply to add colour to the page.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

All mixed up

Photo taken Crathes Castle Feb '06

Do you ever get days when your heads a bit fuzzy, hard to think, hard to work things out?

Feeling fuzzy now, maybe its tiredness, maybe too much going on and not one thing can get time in there to form and be clear.

I wonder whether we should allow ourselve thinking time, for most its something that we just allow to happen. Maybe we should be pro-active, plan some thinking time, structure it maybe? or maybe just walk away from the world or while, in order to come back to it fresh and aware?


Monday, May 22, 2006


So Pain, whats that? I dont understand the biology of it. Wondering if the method of pain creation makes a difference. If you hurt your hand climbing, doing a good move, a great route, Does it feel better than if you crush it in a sliding door?

anyways, less posts this week, hard to type 1 handed.