Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mind Control

What is it about our mind that prevents us from doing things we dream of? Why do we fear things? Rationally it isnt that dangerous, in fact to jump off would be fine, so why cant I push up, over and beyond the crux? Is it trust in the rock? the gear? or more likely trust in myself and my control over my self.

How do I work on this? can I gain more control over myself, push the fear away, be stronger in body and mind. Know my limits and push beyond them.

Sitting in an office I know I can climb harder, lead more, break into new ground. 2 inches of the ground and Im flashing 5c, but above some gear. Its not the same.

Work on this, fight the fear etc, must train and must grow


Blogger Jude Calvert-Toulmin said...

> What is it about our mind that prevents us from doing things we dream of?

laziness, fear, lack of self belief.

> Why do we fear things?

because life, and death, are frightening!

but the most scary thing of all is fear itself. it's feeling fear and letting that fear overwhelm us that stops us moving forwards.

and never mind pushing boundaries. you have to smash the boundaries to smithereens. there have to be no boundaries, only freedom and freedom from fear.

5:34 pm  

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